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Availing  yourself to the mercy of God

Availing  yourself to the mercy of God to free you from all forms of confusion and difficulties. Christopher is a reality of these experiences of possibilities. He tried severally to travel abroad but was disappointed and duped. He never gave up on God, believing and having faith in God’s word; he was determined to travel abroad no matter the obstacles, challenges and trying times. 

Christopher’s travel mission looks impossible to him but eventually was possible with the help of God. He was encouraged by the word of God. Acts 27:25, So he keep up  courage, and says to himself for  I have faith in God that it will happen,  just as he believes  the word of God, this courage helped him overcome obstacles and flood his world with possibilities. 

You need to conquer fear and self-doubt and embrace the word of God as a place to grow. Nothing is more powerful than the word of God which is God Himself. Therefore, provide a new roadmap that aligns possibilities with your inherent potentials knowing the fact that nothing will be impossible with God  Luke 1: 37. 

For the impossible to be made possible, we need to fully trust in God. Cast any doubt aside no matter how reasonable they appear to be. You need to show recognition that you can’t do it alone by appealing to God for his help.


O LORD my God, imbed in me your grace and mercy to experience possibilities in any aspect I am facing impossibilities as a re result of my ignorance of the ministry and revelations of the word of God.I humbly ask for the grace to walk in possibilities in this journey of my life, ministry, family business and career.

Let your word which was in the beginning and is the same word today mechanise possibilities that generates success in all ramification begins to work in my life in Jesus Powerful name I Pray. Amen.

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Appreciating and Honouring the Word of God

Appreciating and Honouring the Word of God
Billions of people face difficulties and impossibilities because they do not appreciate and honour the word of God. 

Many people believe and have faith in the word but don’t appreciate and honour these words in their individual lives. 

Lots of people are guilty of this actions. You need God to do wonders in your life yet don’t appreciate and honour his word which is God himself according to John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Appreciating and honouring God’s word is to be fully aware and accept the Word of God. This means you must acknowledge and show respect for His word. Do not doubt the word of God because it’s capable of changing the situation of wondering in impossibilities to possibilities. When you appreciate and honour God’s word in your life, business, ministry, family situations/cases that you seem not to have remedy will receive immediate and permanent solutions. 

I have come to realize that when we have deep love and appreciation for God’s word, we have a deep love and appreciation for God. (Nehemiah 8:1-10) It is written in John 1 -5 that “the word was God” thus, when you appreciate and honour the word of God you invariable appreciate and honour God because the word was God.

Abram appreciated and honoured the word of God and in return God blessed him. God made a promise to him and fulfilled it. God made Abram the father of many nations according to Gen 17:5 
he says neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have made thee.

I prophecy to someone reading these content  that as you appreciate and honour God’s word, God will change your name just like Abram; He will give you a new name that will change your negative situation to positivity; he will establish your name just as like Abram. You will receive the grace that supersedes all grace to walk out the physical manifestation of God in all aspect of your life, ministry and business.in Jesus name. Amen.

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Faithful God of Possibilities

According to John 3:36 He that believeth on the son hath everlasting life and he that  believeth not the son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him, Thus, it is paramount to nurture, groom and honour the word of God, then take the word to the volume where it can save you. You have to take it to 70% – 90% capacity to enable grace work for you. 

If the word of God is not sufficient in one’s life, it brings about negativity and impossibility Rom. 8: 28 says for we know all things work together for good to those that love God The Almighty 

God created you not your enemies. He bless  you according to His purposeSo I pray for you today in the name of the Most High God Humiliation, frustration, captivity will no longer walk in your life Your 

days of walking in wastage,  impossibilities, reproaches is gone; You are receiving authority, anointing, power and grace to walk in possibilities Success no matter how tedious your situation is knowing the fact that faith without work is dead, Therefore, the moment of walking in possibilities is the amount you move by faith in life.

O Lord my GOD, Let every hunger of Death, Sickness, Committing suicide dry off from me. Let every mindset, burden and yoke of suffering and financial limitation be broken in my life. Let darkness give way from my life. 

Today, I receive the grace, light and anointing to walk in possibilities with faith in God and in His word. The miracle I do not expect will locate me and my household. I will begin to experience possibilities in my ministry, family, business, profession, career, e.t.c. in God’s powerful name. Amen.

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Aspect of having Faith in God

Having faith in the word of God is an important aspect of walking in possibilities. 

There are lots of heroes who walked in possibilities in the bible and those who are doing the same presently in life. People like Abram and Sarah whom God blessed with the fruit of the womb at the age ninety-nine years. 

When she least expects it and for lots of people might have lost hope and faith in God…. Rather Abram believed and had faith in God and His word until the actual manifestation of the word of God.Again, is the woman with the issue of blood for several years Mark 5: 25 -34. He said to her Daughter your faith has made you well. 

Go in Peace your suffering is over Enough of walking in barrenness, reproaches, afflictions, shortcoming, conflicts, etc. It is time to walk in possibilities just like this woman with the issue of blood for 12 years. Can you imagine suffering a particular disease for twelve consecutive years? How frustrating, demoralising and devastating this can be! This woman moved by faith walked in possibilities by touching the garment of Jesus and was healed immediately. 

What a Miracle Walking in possibilities is walking in perfection, peace and the key to walking in possibilities is your faith and diligence to the solemn word of God. Begin to walk, in possibilities having faith in God, speak with confidence and courage. 

Do not depend on man. Never rely on the conclusion made by man. According to Lamentation 3: 37 Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not? (KJV) Have faith in God. 1 Cor. 2: 5 So that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power There is power in the word of God, and the word is spirit. 

The spirit is God, no spirit is bigger than the spirit of God, the highest of the highest. The more excellent way to walk in possibilities is having faith in God and eventually getting  mature in the word of God. to be continued…

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Aspect of having Faith in God

Having faith in the word of God is an important aspect of walking in possibilities. 

There are lots of heroes who walked in possibilities in the bible and those who are doing the same presently in life. People like Abram and Sarah whom God blessed with the fruit of the womb at the age ninety-nine years. 

When she least expects it and for lots of people might have lost hope and faith in God…. Rather Abram believed and had faith in God and His word until the actual manifestation of the word of God.Again, is the woman with the issue of blood for several years Mark 5: 25 -34. He said to her Daughter your faith has made you well. 

Go in Peace your suffering is over Enough of walking in barrenness, reproaches, afflictions, shortcoming, conflicts, etc. It is time to walk in possibilities just like this woman with the issue of blood for 12 years. Can you imagine suffering a particular disease for twelve consecutive years? How frustrating, demoralising and devastating this can be! This woman moved by faith walked in possibilities by touching the garment of Jesus and was healed immediately. 

What a Miracle Walking in possibilities is walking in perfection, peace and the key to walking in possibilities is your faith and diligence to the solemn word of God. Begin to walk, in possibilities having faith in God, speak with confidence and courage. 

Do not depend on man. Never rely on the conclusion made by man. According to Lamentation 3: 37 Who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass, when the Lord commandeth it not? (KJV) Have faith in God. 1 Cor. 2: 5 So that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power There is power in the word of God, and the word is spirit. 

The spirit is God, no spirit is bigger than the spirit of God, the highest of the highest. The more excellent way to walk in possibilities is having faith in God and eventually getting  mature in the word of God. to be continued…

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