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President and General Superintendent of JESUSKINGDOM….UCHENNA EZEANOWAYI.
99% Heavenly Kingdom Coverage.
(1) 99% Abundant Life experience
(a) Long life No evil premature or untimely death
(b) Rich Wealthy Life No Poverty or wretchedness
(c) Effective hope of a peaceful eternal life No hell fire
(2) Effective outstanding security No fears of insecurity
(3) Uncommon spiritual, economic and financial elevations & Promotions
(4) 99% Transformation
(5) Winning victories, favour & blessings inevitably
You can verify this claims between 2 Months to 3 & 6 Months.
How To be part these mostly uncommon benefits and grace!!

Connect Today to our preaching & teachings of the most awesome word of God and the gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST .
Pay attention to the preaching, the teachings and the Holy Spirit made and lead prayers, Holy Spirit fruits and gifts expositions and imparts together with the prophetic utterances that comes to accomplishments and fulfillment.

Be determined put everything you learn at work and watch out for effective compulsory results. Reach out for more clarification.Church with chains of ministries running according to the God Almighty’s standard and JESUS CHRIST pattern.

We mostly focused in raising men and women who equipped and filled with the most excellent and glorious word of God and the Holy Spirit that are lead by the Holy Spirit and are driven by the will of God to please and accomplish the will of God Almighty to emerge whom He made them and to fulfill their heavenly kingdom mandates, purposes and ministries.

Connect and join today from anywhere you are, God bless you richly according to his richies in Christ Jesus Amen.


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